CMB Front Ensemble in Memorial Stadium
CMB marching to stadium through the crowd
CMB Trumpet performing in Memorial Stadium
Hail Varsity
Music by Wilbur Chenoweth; Lyrics by Joyce Ayers, class of 1930

Lyrics revised 2023

Hail to the team
The Scarlet and Cream
Cheers for a victory
Echo our loyalty so on U of N
Let's triumph again
Fight on for victory
Hail Varsity!


The Cornhusker (Come A Runnin' Boys)
Words and Music by Robert W. Stevens

Come a runnin' boys
Don't you hear that noise like the thunder in the sky
How it rolls along in a good old song
From the sons of Nebraski.
Now it's coming near with a rising cheer
That will sweep all foes away,
So with all our vim
We are bound to win and we're going to win today.

For Nebraska and the scarlet
For Nebraska and the cream,
Tho' they go thru many a battle,
Our colors still are seen.
So in contest and in vict'ry
We will wave them for the team,
And 'twill always stir a Cornhusker,
The old scarlet and the cream.

Mr. Touchdown USA
Words and Music by William Katz, Gene Piller, Ruth Roberts

They always call him Mr. Touchdown;
They always call him Mr. T.
He can run and he can throw;
Just give him the ball and look at him go!

Hip hip hooray for Mr. Touchdown;
He's gonna beat em today;
So, lets give a great big cheer
for the hero of the year;
It's Mr. Touchdown, USA. 

Dear Old Nebraska U (There Is No Place Like Nebraska)
Words and Music by Harry Pecha, class of 1924

There is no place like Nebraska,
Dear old Nebraska U.
Where the girls are the fairest,
The boys are the squarest,
Of any old school that I knew.
There is no place like Nebraska,
Where they're all true blue.
We'll all stick together,
In all kinds of weather,
For dear old Nebraska U.


March of the Cornhuskers
Words and Music by M. H. Ribble and William T. Quick

Rally Huskers, glory waits for you,
Rally Huskers, show what you can do
Fight! forever, Oh! You team,
For the scarlet and the cream,
Go! Gang Go!
Rally Huskers, rally one and all.
Fight on, Huskers, hear Nebraska call,
Listen to the battle cry,
Of Nebraska U. N. I.

Hail Nebraska
Words and Music by William Ackerman, 1942

Hail Nebraska, dear old Nebraska, hail Nebraska U
Hail her colors scarlet and cream, the finest colors ever seen
Down the field to vic'try marching, watch her grand old team
Now a first down then a touchdown, hail Nebraska, hail Nebraska U