A comprehensive musical honors festival for high school brass, woodwind and percussion players.
Festival dates: January 31 through February 2, 2025
The application timeline is September 20, 2024 to midnight on December 3, 2024.
The Winter Festival is a unique concert honor band festival for high school students. The festival is designed to give participants an outstanding and comprehensive playing experience. Festival participants are chosen through a recorded audition process. Students attending the festival are involved in a variety of musical experiences: an honor band; masterclasses with the Glenn Korff School of Music's talented applied wind and percussion faculty; and a large symphonic band that combines the festival honor band with the University Wind Ensemble.
All Winter Festival events will take place in Westbrook Music Building. Kimball Recital Hall is closed for renovation.
The 2025 Winter Festival audition results will be sent to student applicants after December 12, 2024. The email message will be sent to the contact email that applicants provided to us on the application form. Please check your spam folder if a message does appear in your inbox. Send an email to band@unl.edu and provide us with a non-school email address if you have not received the results by December 16th (include your full name and instrument). Many school email accounts are blocked from receiving email from outside the school district.
If you have questions after reading this information thoroughly, please email the Band Office or call 402/472-2505.
Download the Winter Festival Flyer
The University is committed to providing appropriate accommodations to guests with disabilities. In order to ensure that appropriate arrangements can be made, guests with disabilities who need reasonable accommodations must contact the Band Office at 402-472-2505 at least three weeks prior to their scheduled arrival on campus. Westbrook Music Building is accessible to persons with disabilities.
We are seeking brass, woodwind, and percussion students. The age range is freshman through senior in high school. Please see the Winter Festival audition preparation page for details.

Housing is provided by the University at a Lincoln hotel to those students that request it on the application form. Glenn Korff School of Music students will serve as chaperons. The Saturday evening meal will be provided. All other meals are the responsibility of the participants. Many fast food and other restaurants are within easy walking distance of the campus. Students may commute from home to the Glenn Korff School of Music if they wish.
Festival Fee
There is a $5 submission fee for the on-line application process. All festival participants will be charged a $25 registration fee payable after the audition results are announced.
Saturday Evening Dinner
An informal dinner for students, parents and directors will be provided in Westbrook Music Building at no charge on Saturday, February 1.
Combined Ensemble Workshop
A combined Festival Honor Band and Wind Ensemble rehearsal workshop will be held Saturday, February 1 at 7:00 p.m. in room 130 Westbrook Music Building. Parents and directors are encouraged to attend.
Festival Finale Concert
The Festival Finale Concert is on Sunday, February 2 at 3:00 p.m. in room 130 Westbrook Music Building. The concert features the Honor Band, the University Wind Ensemble and the Festival Symphonic Band. Parents, teachers and friends are welcome to attend. There is no admission fee for the finale concert.
A reception for festival participants, teachers and families will be held in Westbrook Music Building following the chamber workshop on Saturday evening.
Glenn Korff School of Music Audition Dates
Senior students planning to major or minor in music at the University are strongly encouraged to schedule an audition for admission and scholarship awards on Friday, January 31 (morning only). The Glenn Korff School of Music has another audition day for brass, woodwinds and percussion on Saturday, March 1.
Glenn Korff School of Music Undergraduate Audition Information
The Winter Winds Faculty:
- Dr. Carolyn Barber, director of bands
- Dr. Scott Anderson, trombone
- Prof. Bo Atlas, euphonium and tuba
- Dr. John Bailey, flute
- Dr. Diane Barger, clarinet
- Dr. James Compton, bassoon
- Dr. Paul Haar, saxophone
- Dr. Alan Mattingly, horn
- Dr. William McMullen, oboe
- Dr. Emily Salgado, percussion
- Dr. Darryl White, trumpet
Winter Festival Audition Preparation
Read the audition requirements and suggestions on the audition information page before choosing your audition music.
Go to the Winter Festival Audition Preparation
Winter Festival Application Form
The application form is active from September 20, 2024 through December 3, 2024. The application form is posted on Slide Room and a $5 application fee must be paid with a credit card. Please note that the your credit card statement will show a charge to SlideRoom, not the University of Nebraska.
Go to the Winter Festival Application Information
Go to the Winter Festival Application form site
Have questions about the Winter Festival?
Contact the Band Office at band@unl.edu or call 402/472-2505
If you have any questions about your choice of solo and etude, please feel free to email the appropriate Glenn Korff School of Music professor of your instrument so they can further advise you.