Cornhusker Marching Band Audition Information

picture of a Cornhusker Marching band trumpet player

2024 First Round Auditions

First-round 2024 Cornhusker Marching Band auditions have been completed. Registration for the fall of 2025 will start in February of 2025.

Video - Imagine Yourself in the Cornhusker Marching Band

Brass and Woodwind Auditions

CMB alto saxophone in Memorial Stadium
CMB Trumpet
CMB Piccolo

Brass and Woodwind Audition Requirements

Please note ALL marching band instruments are a mandatory rental. This is because the CMB has a matched set of instruments. These instruments will not be available until Band Camp in August.

Brass and Woodwind audition videos will be accepted until midnight on Saturday, June 15, 2024. We suggest that you do not wait until the deadline to submit your video.

A brass and woodwind video audition submission must contain the following elements.

  • Short introduction of yourself.
  • Two octave major scale as follows:
  1. Trumpet: C scale (B-flat concert) to player's range
  2. Horn / Mellophone: F or G scale (B-flat or C-concert) to player's range
  3. Trombone / Baritone: F scale (G for treble clef Baritone)
  4. Tuba: F scale
  5. Tenor Saxophone: C scale (B-flat concert)
  6. Alto Saxophone: C scale (E-flat concert)
  7. Piccolo / Flute: F scale
  8. Clarinet: C scale (B-flat concert)
  • Play Dear Old Nebraska U (There Is No Place Like Nebraska) preferably from memory.

You may play the recording of the fight song to help you prepare for the audition. Please note that this recording is the property of the university and may not be used for any other purpose without the express written permission of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

The audition music and instructions for submitting video auditions will be sent to each candidate via email. Send an email to if you have questions or have trouble uploading your video.

Brass and Woodwind Audition Procedure

  • All elements must be done in one continuous, un-edited take.
  • The video must be made between the fall of 2023 and June 15, 2024.
  • Your face, fingers, valves, keys, or slides must be visible at all times.
  • Save the file using your instrument and name, for example: Trumpet John Doe.


Frequently Asked Questions

  • The prepared solo requirement has been eliminated for 2024 to reduce video file size.
  • The recording of Dear Old Nebraska U (There is No Place Like Nebraska) is for preparation only. Do not record yourself playing along with that recording.
  • Students auditioning for piccolo and mellophone may play the audition on flute or French horn



CMB Trumpet performing in Memorial Stadium

Percussion Auditions

CMB Drum Line in Memorial Stadium
CMB Cymbals
CMB Front Ensemble in Memorial Stadium

2024 Percussion Auditions

Percussion audition dates and materials will be posted when the information is available.

In-person audition sessions will take place at Westbrook Music Building on dates to be determined. Note that we will follow current safety protocols and social-distancing guidelines. Other safety measures may also be taken and will be posted here or communicated via e-mail to all candidates. Candidates may choose to submit a video audition rather than participate in the in-person audition dates.

Audition videos must be submitted prior to May 11, 2024.


In-Person Audition Dates to be determined.


Register for an Audition


CMB Front Ensemble in Memorial Stadium

Percussion Audition Requirements

All percussion candidates (new and veteran) must attend at least one of the scheduled audition days on campus or submit a video audition. Attendance at both days is preferred and recommended. Video submissions will be accepted if circumstances prevent individuals from being on campus to audition.

This is a competitive group and a big commitment. It is highly recommended that you audition on more than one instrument to increase your chances for success. All candidates, except section and rank leaders, are required to complete the audition process. All spots are open and no spots are guaranteed.

The final percussion section roster will be determined after the video submission deadline and the last audition date. Results will be emailed to all candidates.

Download the appropriate audition excerpt package and the Percussion Handbook by clicking on the appropriate button below. All exercises can be found in the handbook. An additional audition piece will be emailed to all battery candidates.

Click to Download the Battery Audition Materials (without cymbals)

Click to Download the Cymbals Audition Materials

Click to Download the Cymbals Audition Number 1 Etude

Click to Download the Front Ensemble two-mallet etude.

Click to Download the Front Ensemble four-mallet etude.

Click to Download the Percussion Handbook

Battery Percussion Audition Instructions:

Please prepare the following excerpts / exercises:

  • 16th note timing (three-note) at / around 110 BPM and 150 BPM
  • Play Two-Height Rolls at / around 120 BPM and 160 BPM
  • Play Relative Rebounds Top - E (except cymbals)
  • Play all of Spice Mon' (cut will be determined in the audition). This piece will be sent via email to all candidates.
  • Play cymbal etude (cymbals only)

Front Ensemble Audition Instructions:

Please prepare the following excerpts / exercises:

  • Play one octave scales and arpeggios at two varying tempos (minimum 140 BPM)
  • Play 7/8 at 110 BPM
  • Play the two-mallet etude.
  • Play all of the four-mallet etude (cut to be determined in the audition).

All Candidates:

Please also familiarize yourself with the additional exercises in the Percussion Handbook, as we may play these exercises as a group during the audition days.

Color Guard Auditions

CMB Color Guard
CMB Color Guard in Memorial Stadium
CMB Color Guard in Memorial Stadium

A video of the audition routine, involving both flag work and dance, will be sent via email to registered candidates. Candidates will be expected to learn the routine from the video on their own time prior to the audition date. There will be time built into the audition day schedule for specific questions regarding the routine. Candidates will also be expected to demonstrate basic flag fundamentals, marching and jazz run on the day of auditions. Please wear black, relatively form-fitting clothing so that body moves and position can be adequately evaluated. Candidates may use our equipment during the audition, however, we do not loan poles and silks for audition preparation prior to the audition date.

Video auditions are acceptable if an on-campus audition is impossible. A choreographed routine, involving both flag work and dance, will be sent via email to the candidate. The candidate will have approximately one week to prepare, record and send their video audition to the band staff. Please frame the camera so that both the hands and feet are visible at all times. Wear black, relatively form-fitting clothing so that body moves and position can be adequately evaluated. Performance videos are not accepted for color guard auditions.

2024 Color Guard Audition Dates to be determined.

The in-person audition sessions will take place on campus. Candidates may choose to submit a video audition rather than participate in the in-person audition.


Register for an Audition


Twirler Auditions

CMB Twirler in Memorial Stadium
CMB Twirler in Memorial Stadium
CMB Twirler in Memorial Stadium

The 2024 twirler auditions will be via video only. Performance videos are acceptable only if it is a solo performance by the twirler candidate.

We are looking for a twirler that is a versatile and exciting performer. We expect candidates to perform a routine utilizing more than one piece of equipment choreographed to your choice of music. Please vary the equipment among multiple baton, knives, hoops, etc. Fire batons are not allowed for this audition.

Twirler Audition Videos due by midnight on Friday, February 28,2025.

The twirler audition video should contain the following elements.

  • Briefly introduce yourself and describe the highlights of your twirling career.
  • Please frame the video camera so that both the hands and feet are visible at all times.
  • Record a two to four minute routine utilizing more than one apparatus.
  • All elements of the video must be done in one continuous, un-edited take.
  • The audition video must be recorded between the fall of 2024 and February 23, 2025.
  • Save the file using your instrument and name, for example: Twirler Jane Doe.

Instructions for submitting video auditions will be sent to each candidate via email. Send an email to if you have questions or trouble uploading your video. 

Register for an Audition