Submit this form to request an instrument as part of your participation in the Big Red Express pep band which plays for Volleyball, and Men's and Women's Basketball. For best results, please submit this form on a laptop or desktop computer. The form may not submit properly when using a cell phone.
YOU MUST BE ENROLLED IN THE BRE CLASS BEFORE YOU WILL BE ISSUED AN INSTRUMENT. Instruments are issued on a first-come, first-served basis.The $20.00 per semester rental fee will be applied to your UNL student account and will appear on your billing statement. The rental fee is non-refundable.
After submitting this form, you will be assigned a University of Nebraska–Lincoln Glenn Korff School of Music (GKSOM) instrument. You will receive confirmation of the instrument serial number, the replacement value, accessories issued, the due date of the instrument via the email address provided on this form. Please be sure to enter your email address correctly.
THE INSTRUMENT DUE DATE is determined by the length of participation in the BRE as follows. Check-in instructions will be emailed and posted on Canvas towards the end of the semester.
• Fall semester only - Friday, December 13, 2024.
• Spring semester - Friday, May 2, 2025.
NOTE: CONCERT ENSEMBLE INSTRUMENTS and lockers are to be rented through the GKSOM Facilities Office, WMB 119.1. The GKSOM INSTRUMENT AND LOCKER RENTAL REQUEST Form may be found HERE.
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