Big Red Express Audition Information

BRE at basketball
Video - Imagine Yourself in the Big Red Express


2024-25 Big Red Express Auditions

Big Red Express audition videos will be accepted from November 10, 2023 through June 15, 2024. We suggest that you do not wait until the deadline to submit your video. The audition registration form will be available after the new year. Current University of Nebraska-Lincoln students who are not currently members of the Big Red Express, but are interested in playing for the spring 2024 semester should contact Professor Doug Bush via email.


Brass and Woodwind Audition Requirements

A brass and woodwind video audition submission must contain the following elements.

  • Short introduction of yourself.
  • Two octave major scale as follows:
  • Play Dear Old Nebraska U (There Is No Place Like Nebraska) preferably from memory.

You may play the recording of the fight song to help you prepare for the audition. Please note that this recording is the property of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and may not be used for any other purpose without the express written permission of the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

The audition music and instructions for submitting video auditions will be sent to each candidate via email. Send an email to if you have questions or have trouble uploading your video.

Brass and Woodwind Audition Procedure

  • All elements must be done in one continuous, un-edited take.
  • Your face, fingers, valves, keys, or slides must be visible at all times.
  • Save the file using your instrument and name, for example: Trumpet John Doe.

The Big Red Express is a group of 120 musicians that perform at the Men’s and Women’s Basketball games and the Women’s Volleyball matches. The band also performs for selected special University events. Members of the Big Red Express band must meet and maintain full-time enrollment status (minimum of 12 hours) at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and maintain a cumulative 2.0 GPA. Active members (not subs) in good standing are considered for a small scholarship for each semester of participation.

Students who are candidates for the Cornhusker Marching Band have the option of counting their first round marching band audition as their Big Red Express audition.

Please add to your email contact list if you plan to submit an audition request form. Check your spam folder if you have not received a response within two to three days after submitting an audition request.

If you still have questions after reading this information thoroughly, please email the Band Office or call 402/472-2505.

Audition videos must be submitted by June 15, 2024. Submission details will be sent to each candidate via email.


Rhythm and Drum Kit Audition Requirements

The information below is for guitar, bass guitar and keyboard players.

  • Short introduction of yourself.
  • Two to three minute video representing your level of proficiency on your instrument.
  • Save the file using your instrument and name, for example: Guitar John Doe.

Rhythm and Drum Kit Audition Procedure

The information below is for drum kit players.

  • All elements must be done in one continuous, un-edited take.
  • Include as much of your face, hands and drum heads as is possible at all times.
  • Save the file using your instrument and name, for example: Drum Kit John Doe.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • The prepared solo requirement has been eliminated to reduce video file size.
  • The recording of Dear Old Nebraska U (There is No Place Like Nebraska) is for preparation only. Do not record yourself playing along with that recording.
  • All Big Red Express audition videos must be submitted by May 19, 2023.


Submit a Big Red Express Audition Video