Winter Festival Application Information

High school students (freshmen through seniors) in good standing are eligible to audition for the Winter Festival.

The Winter Festival application forms are active from Friday, September 20, 2024 through 11:59 PM on Tuesday, December 3, 2024.

The Winter Festival application form is posted on an application web site run by the SlideRoom company. It is a secure site designed to protect your personal information. It is NOT a division of the University of Nebraska.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. It is the applicant's responsibility to complete the application process. Reminders to complete the process will not be sent.

The submission fee is paid to SlideRoom and will appear as such on your credit card statement.
We cannot extend the Winter Festival application deadline.

The Application Site

It is best if the applicant's parent or guardian creates the SlideRoom account because permission forms and health information is included in the form. Please note that It is extremely important to remember the password that you use to create your account so that the student can return to the form. The form is quite easy to use so feel free to log on and start an application. You can edit your answers, stop and come back later, add your recording at another time, until you click the submit button.

Please do not give us a school email address. School servers often block incoming email messages from sources outside the school district.

The final step is payment of the $5.00 application fee. Credit card information is required. We do not recommend the use of debit cards for this transaction since SlideRoom or your bank may require an additional amount for the transaction. The Slide Room site is secure. Your credit card will show a charge from Slide Room, not the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. Please communicate this information to all parties responsible for the credit card in question. Note that you cannot return to the form once you click the submit button.

Please note that recording files must be no larger than 30 MB and we encourage you to use the mp3 format to ensure that the reviewers will be able to open your file.

SlideRoom has an excellent help page that can guide you through the creation of an account if you are new to this application process. Check out the page by clicking on the link below.

Go to SlideRoom Help

Call the Band Office at 402/472-2505 or send an email to if you have any questions about the Winter Festival event.

Questions regarding Winter Festival music should be directed to the Wind and Percussion faculty. You can check out their web pages by clicking on the appropriate link below.

The Winter Festival application form is found on the Hixson-Lied College of Fine and Performing Arts SlideRoom page during the registration period. There are multiple application programs posted on this site. Please take care to choose the appropriate Winter Festival application form based on instrumentation:

  • GKSOM-Winter Festival Brass - 2025
  • GKSOM-Winter Festival Percussion - 2025
  • GKSOM-Winter Festival Woodwinds - 2025

Go to the Winter Festival Application form site on SlideRoom

Have questions about the Winter Festival?

Contact the Band Office at or call 402/472-2505

If you have any questions about your choice of solo and etude, please feel free to email the appropriate Glenn Korff School of Music professor of your instrument so they can further advise you.

Return to the Winter Festival General Information page